Thursday, December 16, 2010

9 weeks

So I'm in my 9th week this week and feeling pretty miserable. I have been getting off of my meds (anti-depressants I've been on for anxiety issues since Jr high) and that's been the hardest thing. I'm almost completely weaned off and surviving the with-drawls. I just didn't want to be on any prescriptions this time just to be on the safe side.
 Well it looks like I'm about to go world wide on letting this blog go public and sharing this pregnancy with everyone since looking at me you can already see a belly! I guess with this being my 3rd pregnancy and only 10 months post partum of having Tucker, I look pretty pregnant. Enough that people are noticing at work. Only one courageous customer (in my opinion) said, "oh a baby is coming!" I was like oh um yes. I put in blame of the maternity looking shirt I was wearing, but none the less, it's becoming more and more obvious. Next appointment is the 27th, so I will update again then! Everyone have a nice Christmas!
 Baby in 9th week:

Thursday, December 2, 2010

7 weeks

So Monday the 29th I went in for a sonogram to hear the heartbeat for the very first time. No many how many times I've heard my babys' heartbeat it never gets old, and makes my heart so full of joy. It's just still so bitter sweet, because I've always heard my baby's heartbeat on the inside... but never on the out. They're always so healthy and full of life in my tummy but never in my arms. I just hope and pray this little one's heart never stops until long after mine stops. The day I've dreamt of forever, the day I hold my baby in my arms and hear them crying and looking back at me, is a feeling I set in my life as "the best feeling in the world". It's weird because I don't even know how I'll feel because all I know is holding my baby in my arms and saying goodbye. The desire to feel the complete opposite has built up so much since I found out I was expecting Jayden back in 2006 I don't even know if I will know how to feel it once it's here. I'm really thinking about video taping that moment so that I can relive it as many times as I want! I feel really different this time and just really want to take this pregnancy and birth to give God the glory from not only me but from everyone who sees it as well. But we will praise Him either way, just as we have before.