Monday, July 23, 2012

Hopes not a crime

   Last Thursday I got an awesome opportunity to share my story live and on the record for anyone to hear on a blog radio show, and it felt great! I constantly reflect on both of my pregnancies, births, losses, and faith, all three of my boys blessed me with experiencing, and sometimes I go crazy needing to get these thoughts out. I felt such a weight lifted off my shoulders when I got to do just that with a woman I now adore and look up to, Shellie Nichol Chander :) She started a ministry called "Hopes not a crime" after hearing the news that her son Cody has a terminal illness and has been given so many years to live; which he keeps proving them wrong with each year he's alive. Shellie has found hope knowing God knows no statistics, no matter what the world or doctors may say. She now spreads the word or hope and what it means to find it through our savior Jesus Christ.
  It was my first time really speaking, and as you can see, I'm much better at writing my thoughts out, but I hope one day to get to publicly speak in an inspirational and natural way. If there's any one message I would want others to take from my story it's this: Jayden and Tucker were no accident, "miss hearings" from God, or even tragedies. They were meant to be apart of this world, my world, if even for a short-lived 9 months in my womb. No they never got to speak a world, never got to breathe our air, or even get to look into our eyes, but they taught me more than anyone living ever could. They took me through a journey and made me live on faith only to get to my dream of motherhood with every ounce I had left. Without having had Jayden and Tucker before Noah, Noah would of just looked like another birth into this world that happens everyday. Instead Noah was a miracle in the flesh for us to all see, for everyone involved to believe, and know that God does hear and answer our prayers. That with God anything is possible and He can defy all odds. That He can get us through anything and walk in our daily lives if we let Him. I've never felt so close to Him than I did that summer getting pregnant with Noah. It's a humbling and awing experience that I otherwise would of never got to experience and I thank God that He choose me to get to live that and share it with others. Thank you God for believing in me and making me feel your undivided attention and love even though you're also taking care of this entire world we live in. I hope I made you proud and continue to fulfill your will for me in my life, spreading hope for others. You are amazing and I will praise you through storm and shine!

To listen to my show with Shellie, go here:    
Shellie's ministry:
 Or join the group "hopes not a crime" on FB

Thank you all and as Shellie says, " keep hope in your heart, and two thumbs in the air!"

-Magen <3

1 comment:

  1. Magen it was my true honor to share your story. You are truly a light. Hugs to you and your precious family. And of course "Keep Hope In Your Heart and Two Thumbs In the Air!"
